Rat Bastard
Only One Left!!
Rat Bastard boost/distortion. On the Boost side is a Haggtronix “Range Bastard” featuring a Mullard OC140 germanium transistor with mojo layout. Going into a Turbo Vermin distortion with the classic LM308 IC.
Both circuits chosen for their amp like qualities that make up an ultimate tag team of dirt tones. Basically put, you can use your guitars volume knob to control the gain level.
The Range Bastard is modified to be a full range boost. Built using Dale military spec resistors, Mallory input cap, and Panasonic output cap and Sprague filter cap for mojo vibes. (Parts are subject to change due to availability) built on a pcb designed by The Hagg.
The Dirt side is a classic Turbo Rat with LED (eyes light up when you play!) clipping. I chose turbo because it is my personal favorite. Using the LM308 IC to hone in the absolute Rat tone. The Boost is perfect to slam the front end of the Dirt side!
Controls are: